
You can join the Deaton Institute in growing research and education capacities to address hunger and extreme poverty.

We welcome and urge you to join us today in our commitment to ensure higher education’s role in realizing the greatest achievement for humanity in the 21st century. Yes, it is within reach.
– Drs. Brady and Anne Deaton

The Deaton Institute goals envision higher education’s interdisciplinary engagement in the challenges, the research, and the international development efforts to address hunger, and to build leadership at universities to implement policies and practices to improve food security, economic development, and environmental sustainability in all countries.

You can donate to the Deaton Institute and its Deaton Scholars Program by contacting our partners in advancement.

Your contributions help the program create life-changing opportunities for scholars.

Donations support:

  • growing change-makers through interdisciplinary team experiences, i.e. the Deaton Scholars Program;
  • scholars’ participation in national and global conferences such as Universities Fighting World Hunger and the World Food Prize;
  • scholars to build networks with those who share their passion for food security.

Deaton Scholars working in teams

“When the Deaton Scholars Program started, people thought we were crazy and they didn’t think the program was suitable for undergraduate students. Now it’s rewarding to see it have name recognition on campus, to see projects funded and people move on to graduate school with a focus on food insecurity or using some aspect of what they learned in Deaton Scholars.”  – Holly Enowski, former Deaton Scholar and DSP Director

The Brady and Anne Deaton Institute is also actively pursuing potential sources of diverse financial support from foundations, private corporations, and other donors to build an endowment that will allow for the institute’s work to have financial stability. To talk to Drs. Deatons about being a part of their legacy of fighting hunger, please contact the institute.